Fort Indiantown Gap

Fort Indiantown Gap
Annville, PA - The elaborate Pennsylvania Veterans’ Memorial is the largest monument in VA’s National cemeteries. The combination open-air space and building stands 107 feet high and 360 feet long. Its design… see below
Fort Indiantown Gap


A fortification was established in the area of Fort Indiantown Gap, during the French and Indian Wars, to protect the settlers of the area from the Susquehannock Indians.

The original Moonshine church, is located on the army base. Buried in the church cemetery is the Blue-Eyed Six murder victim, Joseph Raber, who was drowned in Indiantown Run.

The current post was developed as a National Guard training site and has been an active base since that time.

Pennsylvania Veteran’s Memorial, Fort Indiantown Gap National Cemetery

This is the largest monument in an VA cemetery. The open-air space and building design, by Cee Jay Associates, stands 107 feet hight and 360 feet long, and creates the feeling of the “ruins of a war-torn building centered in a land of solemnity.”

Pennsylvania National Guard Military Museum

Located in a two-story barracks at Fort Indiantown Gap, the museum depicts the history of the Pennsylvania National Guard, showcasing items and weapons from the Civil War to the Gulf War.

Regal Fritillary Butterfly Habitat

An area of restored Eastern Native Grasslands devoted to the repatriation of the Regal Fritillary Butterfly, a threatened species. This habitat is closed to the public except for special tours held two weekends a year.

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Categories: Annville, PennsylvaniaHistory & Heritage

Fort Indiantown Gap

Indiantown Gap Rd.
Annville, PA 17003 

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